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Fakultät Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen

Decentralized energy conversion



01/02/2012 - 11/12/2015

Appendix gap losses may amount to approximately 10 % of the heat input to a Stirling engine. They are caused by the annular gap between the insulating dome of a piston or displacer and the adjacent cylinder wall. The aim of this work is to develop a new analytical model for these losses, since the existing modeling approaches appear to be insufficient and are partly based on very gross and possibly questionable assumptions.

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01/01/2015 - 01/01/2019

The aim of this work is to investigate appendix gap losses experimentally by direct measurements of gas and wall temperatures for the first time and thus validate and improve the existing modeling approaches. So far these losses have only been investigated theoretically or by indirect experimental balancing procedures.

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10/01/2018 - 06/30/2024

This project aims at the development of a multi-stage reciprocating thermocompressor to generate compressed air from thermal sources, preferably waste heat. In this context, analytical and numerical modelling as well as constructive considerations are required to develop a practically and economically competitive solution.

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