Optimization of an Extraction System for Purification of Biomolecules
- Research Highlights

The production of high-value biomolecules such as biopharmaceuticals has seen a dramatic increase in (industrial) attention
within the last decades. One promising initial purification step is the aqueous two-phase extraction (ATPE) using an aqueous
two-phase system (ATPS). However, phase-formers that are used to generate the ATPS often reduce the conformational
and colloidal stability of the biomolecule. Within this work, we overcome this drawback by using excipient, selected based
on methods derived from (bio)pharmaceutical formulation development. It is shown, that selecting L-arginine as excipient
for the ATPE of Immunoglobulin G (IgG), the IgG precipitation is significantly reduced (25 wt% to 1.2 wt% [wt/wt]), whilst
simultaneously increasing the extraction yield to 90 wt%.
- ScientificHighlights_2020_MW.pdf PDF (1 MB)